At Work With Eve Eco Baby:

At Work With Eve Eco Baby:

Meet Sarah & Vanessa of

These two are not only the sweetest pair of mum friends you’ll ever meet, who between them have four very active and cheeky children, they share a deep passion for health, wellbeing and our planet.

Two extraordinary mumprenuers who are also super humble when it comes to their beautiful brand of natural baby products, whose impressive instagram following boasts the likes of Jennifer Hawkins and Megan Gale.

If you haven’t heard of Eve Eco Baby then you should!

It has the most beautiful, and very relevant to mums today, offering of natural baby products from rubber play mats to their famous Harry The Duck.


When we first discovered Eve Eco Baby we were absolutely blown away by both the beautiful aesthetic of their brand and their approach to natural baby products like teethers and bath toys.

We just had to connect and know more about these two incredible women and their story.


What inspired you to start Eve Eco Baby?

We were inspired by our own search for plant based, natural and safe baby products for our children. It wasn't until we'd had children that we started to research what was in everyday products and the health risks associated with them. At the time (5 years ago) natural products were hard to source as well as being expensive. We wanted to give Australian mums the opportunity to source natural products locally.


How would you describe your business ethos in one sentence?

We believe in naturally safe products for your baby and the planet.


What is your favourite part about running your business?

We love to be challenged and running your own business is definitely that! Every day brings something new, and we are constantly learning new things, but our favourite (and unexpected) part of running our business has been the connections we have made with amazing women over social media. Social media often gets a bad wrap but it has been an incredibly positive tool for us as it’s enabled us to connect and build relationships with wonderful people. It has been a pleasure getting to know like-minded women and the support we have received has been heart warming.


What does a typical Monday look like for you?

Chaos -"Can you feed the kids?” or "No you can't wear the Emma dress today" or "Harry, where are your shoes and socks?”

Getting the kids off to preschool and then planning out the week is what happens on a Monday morning. It's absolute madness but we wouldn't have it any other way.


Do you remember your first customer/client? What do you remember about that moment?

Yes! Our friends were amongst our first customers and I'm very grateful for all their support since we launched the business 11 months ago, and to all our beautiful customer's since. Their support for our small business has been incredible. Our goal was always to provide a natural alternative to mainstream plastic products so when we received our first order from someone we didn't know personally, we were so thrilled that our products had been well received.

What advice would you give another mummy looking to start a business?

Do something that you are passionate about and make sure you find your support network. Trying to juggle kids, day job, home and a small business can be tough going at times. We are so grateful to have embarked on this journey together to support each other through the ups and downs. So the main advice I would give is to build a support network of likeminded people that will keep you motivated.

If you had to choose; Jeans or Tights?

I'm definitely jeans, and Vanessa is tights.

What's your favourite quote?

Be kind. Be authentic. Be you.


What do we love most about Eve Eco Baby? They are beautiful, natural and toxin-free products designed by two beautiful women. We recently got our hands on Harry The Duck – and we weren’t disappointed!

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